The Circle of Nine Kabbalah

Videos on Alternative Medicine Philosophy, Healing, Kabbalah, Cure for Myasthenia Gravis, Joe Cell

Alternative, Naturopathic, Holistic Medicine, Joe Cell, Kabbalah Videos

Naturopathic medicine book by Moshe Daniel Block ND The Revolution of Naturopathic Medicine

Moshe Daniel's book on the philosophy and practive of Naturopathic Medicine

Nine Steps for this site:

Kabbalah Book by Moshe Daniel

a) Read about Kabbalah Book  b) Read Reviews

Moshe Daniel Block picture

About Moshe Daniel: author, Kabbalist, alchemist, naturopathic doctor, singer/songwriter

Psalngs of David original by Moshe Daniel

Broadcasting from the Heart of the Earth Radio

EveryNationLand A Plan to Heal and Unite the World

Step 6: View Flash Intros - The Last Four Books of Moses & The Circle of Nine.

The Circle of Nine - Part of EveryNationLand


The Nine Circles of the Circle of Nine

The Nine Circles

The Five Letters

The Five Letters



Videos on Naturopathic Medicine/ Holistic Medicine


Watch Moshe Daniel address a group of medical doctors at McGill University about alternative medicine and healing myasthenia gravis.

April 2005

note: Slides for these similar lectures can be viewed here, at the bottom of page.


Watch Moshe Daniel address a group of medical doctors at Bermuda Hospital about alternative medicine and healing.

September 2006

Video Commentary on The Secret

The Secret Critique and Commentary by Moshe Daniel Block Video

Have you heard of the movie called The Secret that has swept across the world, creating a lot of hype and buzz? The Secret is a wonderful movie sharing a powerful message about "The Law of Attraction" that is very helpful to empower a person's life. Yet is The Secret a well-balanced movie of absolute truth? Or are there some fundamental problems in the philosophy shared in The Secret?

Join Moshe Daniel Block, kabbalist, author & naturopathic doctor, as he offers praise for the aspects of the Secret that he found to be truthful, and listen to him discuss where he found imbalances in this popular movie - The Secret.

Watch Critique of the movie The Secret by Moshe Daniel Block


Joe Cell Technology Videos and The Spherical Prototype of the Moe-Joe Cell

(What is the Joe Cell and the Moe-Joe Cell?)

Demonstration of the Moe-Joe in action - this is a new Moe-Joe cell design, with only 3 spheres, and completely non-magnetic.

Demonstration of the Moe-Joe in action - this is the older design, though it is assembled better, and this stainless steel is slightly magnetic.


Contents Copyright © 2003 Moshe Daniel Block, N.D.

All rights reserved.

Revised: March 27, 2007